


Plaza Barria, 15.

  • +34 944 15 81 55
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Tolare baserria. Almortza bidea, 6.

  • +34 943 42 80 50
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Gaztelako Atea, 54

  • +34 945 23 36 48
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Tolare baserria Almortza bidea, 6

  • +34 943 42 80 50
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Conde Oliveto, 2. 2. solairu

  • +34 948 22 34 71
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Gaztelu Berria. 15, Paul Bert plaza.

  • +33 (0)559 25 64 26
  • +33 (0)559 59 45 59
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Latest published statements

Statement from 2019 (eu)

Oroitidazkia 2020 (eu)

Statement from 2019 (es)

Oroitidazkia 2020 (es)

Statement from 2019 (fr)

Oroitidazkia 2020 (fr)

Statement from 2019 was published on this website thanks to the help of the Vice-Ministry of Language Policy of the Department of Culture of the Basque Government.

eusko jaularitza hps


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In compliance with Act 34/2002 of July 11 on information society services and electronic commerce, Euskaltzaindia - Royal Academy of the Basque language (hereafter Euskaltzaindia) is the owner of the website Euskaltzaindia and has its registered address in Bilbao at Plaza Nueva, 15. Its CIF (Spanish tax identification number) is G48091961. All electronic communications with the owner of this website should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • XX. mendeko Euskararen Corpus Estatistikoa (20th Century Statistical Corpus of the Basque Language)
  • Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia (Basque General Dictionary)
  • Literatura Terminoen Hiztegia (Dictionary of Literary Terms)
  • Lexikoaren Behatokiaren Corpusa (Corpus of the Lexical Observatory)
  • HItz-elkarketa (Compound words)
  • Izendegiak / Euskal Onomastikaren Datutegia (Catalogue of Names / Database of Basque Onomastics)
  • JAGONET galde-erantzunen datu-basea (JAGONET database of linguistic queries)
  • Azkue Biblioteka eta Artxiboko funtsen ondoko atalak (Azkue Library and the following sections of the archives):
    • Resurreccion Maria Azkueren funts dokumentalak (ABA-RMA) (Documentation collection of Resurreccion Maria Azkue (ABA-RMA))
    • Andima Ibinagabeitiaren funts dokumentalak (ABA-AIB) (Documentation collection of Andima Ibinagabeitia (ABA-AIB))
    • Antonio Tovarren gutuneria (ABA-ATO) (Correspondence of Antonio Tovar (ABA-ATO))
    • Azkue Bibliotekaren irudiak (ABA-ABI) [argazkiak] (Images from the Azkue Library (ABA-ABI) [photographs])

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  • XX. mendeko Euskararen Corpus Estatistikoa (20th Century Statistical Corpus of the Basque Language)
  • Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia (Basque General Dictionary)
  • Literatura Terminoen Hiztegia (Dictionary of Literary Terms)
  • Lexikoaren Behatokiaren Corpusa (Corpus of the Lexical Observatory)
  • HItz-elkarketa (Compound words)
  • Izendegiak / Euskal Onomastikaren Datutegia (Catalogue of Names / Database of Basque Onomastics)
  • JAGONET galde-erantzunen datu-basea (JAGONET database of linguistic queries)
  • Azkue Biblioteka eta Artxiboko funtsen ondoko atalak (Azkue Library and the following sections of the archives):
    • Resurreccion Maria Azkueren funts dokumentalak (ABA-RMA) (Documentation collection of Resurreccion Maria Azkue (ABA-RMA))
    • Andima Ibinagabeitiaren funts dokumentalak (ABA-AIB) (Documentation collection of Andima Ibinagabeitia (ABA-AIB))
    • Antonio Tovarren gutuneria (ABA-ATO) (Correspondence of Antonio Tovar (ABA-ATO))
    • Azkue Bibliotekaren irudiak (ABA-ABI) [argazkiak] (Images from the Azkue Library (ABA-ABI) [photographs])

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Awards received by Euskaltzaindia

List of medals, awards and recognitions received

Nafarroako Parlamentuaren Urrezko Domina

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of both institutions, at the opening ceremony of the XXIX Basque Book and Record Fair (1994-12-07)


Gold Medal from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (1995-01-27)


Tribute from the Council of Basque Social Organizations, for the work carried out in the normalization of the Basque language, especially in the field of unified Basque, after the 1968 Congress of Arantzazu. Likewise, Euskaltzaindia paid tribute to the people who participated in the organization of the BAI EUSKARARI campaign (1998-12-18)


'The best of change' award from the magazine Cambio 16, in the Culture category of the 2003 edition (16-02-2004)

"Award from the communication medium Correo Digital for the best website in Basque in the 2004 edition for the excellent treatment given to Basque by Euskaltzaindia on its website" (16-02-2004).


Tribute from the Bilbao City Council on International Euskera Day, on the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Academy (03-12-2008)


Tribute for the initiative Nafarroa Oinez, on the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Academy (10-19-2009)

Radio ‘Protagonists’ Award Punto Radio Gipuzkoa (03-12-2009)


Tribute for the initiative Korrika 17 (17-04-2011)


Honorary Member of the Sociolinguistics Cluster (14-06-2012)


Juan de Yciar Association Prize Manuel de Larramendi Bibliographical Institute, for the publication of the Euskera Linguistic Atlas (11-06-2013)

European Citizen Award from the European Parliament (17-10-2013)


Álava Medal from the Álava Provincial Council awarded to Eusko Ikaskuntza and Euskaltzaindia (28-04-2018) (2018-04-28)

Radio Excellence Award Radio Bilbao (14-06-2018)

Tribute from the Bilbao 700 Foundation during the city's White Night (14-06-2018)

Award in the category 'Character or Social Institution' of the Basque Association of Journalists to Eusko Ikaskuntza and Euskaltzaindia (19-10-2018)

Gold Medal of the City of Bilbao (26-10-2018)

Ondare Award from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (14-11-2018)

Lauaxeta Award of Honor from the Provincial Council of Bizkaia (03-12-2018)

Ortzadar News Group Award (16-12-2018)


Argia Award of Honor (28-01-2019)

Ibilbidearen Elkar saria Eusko Ikaskuntzari eta Euskaltzaindiari (2019-05-09)

UPV/EHUren Urrezko Domina (2019-10-25)

Bilboko Koral Elkartearen Ohorezko Bazkide (2019-11-21)

Nafarroako Parlamentuaren Urrezko Domina (2019-12-02)

A brief history

Euskaltzaindia was founded in the midst of the Basque Renaissance (1876-1936) and in a specific setting (the Eusko Ikaskuntza Congress of Basque Studies held in Oñati in 1918), where Basque was recognised as the greatest cultural exponent and its protection and promotion was ordered.

R.M. Azkue

Arturo Campion

Federiko Krutwig



Personalities of note from the Basque Country (people who love and defend Basque culture) from the 19th century had, by then, pointed out the need to create an academy for the language (Ulibarri, 1832; Aizkibel, 1856; Abadia and Duvoisin, 1862; Manterola, 1880; Artiñano, 1886) and, in the first decades of the 20th century, illustrious personalities and citizens urged that an institution of these characteristics be created.

In the end, both foreign researchers (Bonaparte, Van Eys, Schuchardt, Dodgson, Gavel, etc.) and Basque Country's own (Campión, Azkue, Urkixo, etc.) supported the project, along with Basque-speaking civil associations of the time (Euskal Esnaleak, for instance). Thanks to all of the above, the appropriate environment was created for the creation of the Academy of the Language by the administrations of the historical territories.

The first initiative was born in the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and, later, the Provincial Councils of Álava, Gipuzkoa and Navarra joined (1918). As a result, the first Regulation was drawn up and Euskaltzaindia was legally constituted (October 1919). A year later, publication of Euskera began, the official bulletin where the standards and research developed by the Academy have been collected.


Collaboration between Azkue and Krutwig


Euskaltzaindia managed to consolidate its purpose during the years prior to the Civil War. In this way, to the work of normalizing the language was added that of creating a standardized literary language, although this objective was not achieved through stable and solid academic work (1922). On the contrary, during that time, a great deal of work was carried out in the field of dissemination and knowledge of Basque thanks to both the masterpieces of Azkue (Basque Morphology, 1923-1934) and the extensive field work based on phonetic questionnaires, morphological and lexicographical studies to Basque speakers (Erizkizundi Irukoitza, 1922 and following). The works from this period can be consulted in the Euskera publication, a faithful witness of its time.

1936 and the later years

The activity of previous years ceased entirely until the beginning of the collaboration between Azkue and Krutwig, at the beginning of the 1950s (which was not exactly a propitious context), at which time work as usual was resumed. At that time (1954) the regulations were renewed and new full academics were appointed and, from 1956 onwards, Euskaltzaindia enjoyed a more peaceful time both in its internal activity and in internal meetings and public meetings (the first after the war was in Arantzazu, in 1956).




The following decades gave rise to renewed energy and working practices: firstly, the renewal of the members of Euskaltzaindia with a new generation of workers, then the incorporation of Basque into education through the ikastolas (schools), the revitalization of the press in Basque, literacy for Basque speakers, etc.

The proliferation and diffusion of texts written in Basque meant that Euskaltzaindia had to update its linguistic regulations. The Arantzazu Congress (1968), without going any further, was convened to respond to this social demand, and in this congress more systematic basic norms were offered for the unification of the written language (spelling, vocabulary, morphology and declension). All this work was completed in 1973 with the proposal of a regulation for the unified language.


The debate that arose around this set of academic norms did not prevent their social acceptance from prospering in education, the media and administration (1976-1983), in the context of the newly constituted autonomous governments (Statute of Euskadi, 1979; Improvement of the Fuero de Navarra, 1982).

Euskaltzaindia currently has a more complex internal organization and a larger group of staff, always trying to contribute to the unification and modernization of Basque and seeking a more complete level of linguistic knowledge (dictionary, dialects: linguistic atlas; onomastics, grammar, literature…).


  • B
  • Plaza Barria, 15.
    48005 BILBO
  • +34 944 15 81 55

Research Center

  • V
  • Tolare baserria. Almortza bidea, 6.
  • +34 943 42 80 50

Local offices

  • A
  • Gaztelako atea, 54
  • +34 945 23 36 48
  • G
  • Tolare baserria. Almortza bidea, 6
  • +34 943 42 80 50
  • N
  • Oliveto Kondea, 2, 2. solairua
  • +34 948 22 34 71


  • N
  • Northern Basque Country
  • Gaztelu Berria. 15, Paul Bert plaza.
    64100 BAIONA
  • +33 (0)559 25 64 26
  • +33 (0)559 59 45 59
  • Euskaltzaindia - Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca - Académie de la Langue Basque
  • Plaza Barria, 15. 48005 BILBO
  • +34 944 158 155
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